

















60873372,  18017581856


xuxu3426@sina.com,  xuxu@sit.edu.cn


分析化学教研室教授,化工学院分析测试中心主任。1991年开始至今一直从事色谱与仪器分析及其应用方面的研究工作,包括手性药物拆分、中药复方与有效成分研究、食品分析、生物大分子分离分析、体液药物分析、以及分析仪器等方面的研究。主持承担国家自然科学基金、上海市自然科学基金、企业委托课题等。在Journal of Chromatography AInternational   Journal of Mass SpectrometryFrontiers   in Plant ScienceJournal of the American   Oil Chemists SocietyChirality等杂志发表学术论文163(其中SCI论文82篇),授权专利17项。


1996年在中国药科大学获博士学位。中科院大连化学物理研究所博士后。之后在上海市药品检验所任副研究员、副主任(其中1998.11-1999.7到瑞典Uppsala University访问学者)。2000.6到中科院上海有机化学研究所,先后任副研究员、色谱组组长、研究员。2009.7到上海应用技术学院化学与环境工程学院工作。



1.           Dan-Yang Shi, Yu Zheng, Qiang-Sheng   Guo, Can Gong, Xu Xu*, Jian-Ping Gao*, Determination of Total Phenol   and Six Polyphenolic Components in Cinnamomi Cortex Polyphenol Extract by   Quantitative Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy, Analytical Methods, 2023,   15, 6561–6570

2.           Yu-Lin Shen, Si-Jia Zhuang, Fan Yang,   Can Gong, Xu Xu*. Prefabricated platinum nanomaterial matrix for   MALDI-MS imaging of oligosaccharides and lipids in plant tissues. Frontiers   in Plant Science. 2023, 14:1105374.

3.           Hongyu Sun, Siyu He(共一作者),   Li Wu, Zeying Cao, Xian Sun, Mingwei Xu, Shan Lu, Mingdi Xu, Baoming Ning,   Huimin Sun, Tiqiao Xiao, Peter York,Xu Xu*, Xianzhen Yin*, Jiwen Zhang*. Bridging the structure   gap between pellets in artificial dissolution media and in gastrointestinal tract   in rats. Acta Pharmaceutica Sinica B, 12(1): 326-338, 2022.

4.           Yang Xu, Yingzhi Deng, Rongrong Ye,   Can Gong, Zhaoxin Liu, Yuezhen Zhao, Yan Lu*, Jinggen Liu, Xu Xu*,   MALDI-MS imaging of lipids and small molecules in rat brain tissue based on   graphene oxide film pre-coated matrix, International Journal of Mass Spectrometry,   464: 116573, 2021

5.           Jia- Hua Feng, Ke- Zhao Wei, Jian- Ping Gao*, Xu Xu*,   Determination of adenosine phosphates in mouse myocardium tissue by HPLC with   UV detection and using porous graphite carbon column, Journal of Chromatography B, 1145: 122110, 2020 

6.           肖坤,龚灿,郭强胜,许旭*,定量核磁共振碳谱同时测定食用油中甘油三酯的sn-1,3sn-2脂肪酸含量,分析化学48(6):   802-810, 2020

7.           Jia-Lin Du, Xing-Li Pei, Hai-Yan Zhao, Can Gong*, Xu Xu*,   Identification of fatty acids and triacylglycerols in Schisandrae chinensis fructus oil, Journal of   Analytical Chemistry, 2020, 75(8): 1024–1032.

8.           陆湘婷,张世鼎,龚灿,许旭*,基于多孔石墨碳柱和正辛烷-异丙醇流动相的高效液相色谱法分离分析食用油中的甘油三酯,分析化学48(8):1084-10952020

9.           Xing-Li Pei, Xiao-Ning Liu, Jia-Lin Du, Can Gong, Xu Xu*, MALDI-MS imaging of lipids   in corn using a flexible ultrasonic spraying device as matrix deposition   method, International Journal of   Mass Spectrometry, 455: 116373, 2020

10.     赵玥祯,徐杨,龚灿,鞠钰蕊,刘兆鑫,许旭*,纳米四氧化三铁基质用于基质辅助激光解吸电离质谱法分析小分子化合物, 分析化学,49(1): 103-1122021

11.     Yang Xu, Yingzhi Deng, Rongrong   Ye, Can Gong, Zhaoxin Liu, Yuezhen Zhao, Yan Lu*, Jinggen Liu, Xu Xu*,   MALDI-MS imaging of lipids and small molecules in rat brain tissue based on   graphene oxide film pre-coated matrix, International   Journal of Mass Spectrometry, 464: 116573, 2021

12.      Jia-Lin Du, Can   Gong?, Xing-Li Pei,   Hai-Yan Zhao, Xu Xu*,   Analysis of triacylglycerols in   castor oil by LC-MS and FTICR-MS based on   GC-MS,Journal of   Chromatographic Science,   57(2):108–115, 2019

13.      刘晓宁,裴兴丽,龚灿,许旭*,基于离子液体的基质辅助激光解吸电离质谱成像分析桑叶表面和叶脉切片中的小分子成分,分析化学46(12): 1923~1930, 2018

14.      Shi-Ding Zhang,   Can Gong, Yan Lu*, Xu Xu*,   Separation of triacylglycerols   in edible oil by   LC-MS with porous   graphitic carbon   column and toluene-based mobile phase, Journal of the American Oil   Chemists Society, 95(10):1253-1266, 2018

15.      Xinda Liu,   Xiaodong Tian, Xu Xu*, Choiwan Lau,   Jianzhong Lu*,   Design of a Phosphinate-based Bioluminescent Probe for   Superoxide   Radical Anion Imaging in Living Cells, Luminescence,   33(6):1101-1106, 2018

16.      Yao-Li Zhang, Can   Gong, Xing-Li Pei, Yu-Liang Han, Yu-Yu Huang, Xu Xu*,   Rapid quantitative determination of triglycerides in edible   oils   by matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionisation Fourier transform ion     cyclotron resonance mass spectrometry using pencil graphite   combined with   2,5-dihydroxybenzoic acid as matrix, International   Journal of Mass Spectrometry, 431:56-62, 2018

17.      Longwei Fang,   Xianzhen Yin(共一作者), Li Wu, Yaping He, Yuanzhi   He, Wei Qin,   Fanyue Meng, Peter York, Xu Xu*, Jiwen     Zhang*, Classification of microcrystalline celluloses via   structures of   individual particles measured by synchrotron   radiation X-ray micro-computed   tomography, International Journal   of Pharmaceutics, 531(2): 658-667, 2017

18.      黄煜宇,肖坤,裴兴丽,韩玉良,龚灿,许旭*,使用尖玻片、毛细管和尖滴管三种玻璃尖端电喷雾离子化质谱分析方法. 分析化学, 46(4): 578-585, 2018

19.      Xiao-Lin Shan,   Xiao-Ting Liu, Can Gong, Xu Xu*, Precolumn   Derivatization with   Bromine to   Improve Separation and   Detection Sensitivity of   Triacylglycerols in Edible Oil by   Reversed-Phase High Performance Liquid Chromatography,Analytical Sciences, 34(3):283-289,2018   

20.      赵海燕,龚灿,许旭*,反相液相色谱-质谱法使用甲酸甲胺改善甘油三酯电喷雾离子化检测灵敏度. 分析化学, 45(9):   1323-1329, 2017
英文版:Hai-Yan Zhao, Can Gong, Xu Xu*,   Improvement of Detection Sensitivity of Triglyceride with Methylamine Formate   as Ionization Enhancer in Reversed Phase   Liquid   Chromatography-Electrospray Ionization Mass Spectrometry, Chin J Anal Chem, 45(9),     1323–1329,   2017.

21.      裴兴丽,黄煜宇,龚灿,许旭*,基于离子液体基质的大豆中寡糖成分MALDI- MS成像分析,分析化学45(8) :1155 ~1164, 2017
英文版:Xing-Li Pei, Yu-Yu Huang, Can Gong, Xu Xu*,   Matrix-assisted   Laser Desorption/Ionization-Mass Spectrometry   Imaging of Oligosaccharides in   Soybean and Bean Leaf with Ionic   Liquid as Matrix, Chin J Anal   Chem,   45(8), 11551164, 2017

22.      刘晓婷,禹珊,袁铭,郭强胜,龚灿,许旭*,固相萃取-定量核磁共振波谱法测定板蓝根饮片中的表告依春,分析化学45(7) :1059 ~1065, 2017
英文版:Xiao-Ting Liu, Shan Yu, Ming Yuan, Qiang-Sheng Guo, Can   Gong, Xu Xu*, Determination of Epigoitrin in Radix   Isatidis by   Solid Phase Extraction-Quantitative Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy, Chin J Anal Chem,     45(7), 1059–1065, 2017

23.      张耀利,裴兴丽,龚灿,韩玉良,倪天强,王帆,王盛君,卢海鹏,许旭*,大气压化学电离-高分辨质谱谱直接分析食用油中的甘油三酯,分析化学45(2):     183-190, 2017

24.      Botao Liu, Haiyan   Li, Xiaonan Xu, Xue Li, Nana Lv, Vikramjeet Singh, J.   Fraser   Stoddart, Peter York, Xu Xu*, Ruxandra Gref*,   Jiwen Zhang*,   Optimized syntheses and   crystalline stability of γ-Cyclodextrin metal-organic frameworks for drug   adsorption,International Journal of Pharmaceutics, 514(1), 212–219, 2016

25.      Xue Fu, Jianhui Li, Lianyan Wang, Bing   Wu, Xu Xu*,   Zongwu Deng, Hailu Zhang*, Pharmaceutical Crystalline     Complexes of Sulfamethazine with Saccharin: Same Interaction Site   but   Different Ionization State, RSC Adv.,   6(31): 26474-26478, 2016

26.      Xiao-Rui     Lei, Can Gong, Yao-Li Zhang, Xu Xu*, Influence of   the acetamide from acetonitrile   hydrolysis in acid-contained   mobile phase on the ultraviolet detection in   high performance   liquid chromatography, Chromatographia, 79:1257-1262,   2016

27.      何榕,山晓琳,董方圆,许旭*,反相超效液相色谱-质谱联用分离分析食用油中的甘油三酯,分析化学43(9):1377-1382,     2015

28.       Xiaolong Lu, Zuhua Liao, Xue Li, Manli Wang, Li Wu,     Haiyan Li, Peter York, Xu     Xu*, Xianzhen  Yin*, Jiwen Zhang*, Powder   Technology, 281: 49-56, 2015

29.      韩玉良,张耀利,杨宇辉,黄煜宇,许旭*,简便型实时直接分析质谱进样装置,分析化学43(3):   451-456, 2015

30.       禹珊,郭强胜,王会琳,高建平,许旭*,定量核磁共振波谱法同时测定中药虎杖中白藜芦醇和虎杖苷的含量,分析化学43(1):   69~74, 2015 该文20162017年两次被评为上年度中国精品科技期刊“F5000”论文



五种学术期刊《色谱》、《分析试验室》、《理化检验-化学分册》、《Journal of Chinese Pharmaceutical Sciences》、《应用技术学报》的编委。



